Topic Description
PARSE is arguably the most powerful keyword instruction in Rexx (aside from
INTERPRET, of course). The PARSE template allows you to process strings by words,
columns, search strings, or any combination of them all. Such power usually comes
at a price; many Rexx programmers are intimidated or confused by the more complex
templates. This presentation will use many examples to step through increasingly
complex templates, demonstrating the simple yet elegant structure beneath. By the
end of the hour, there won't be a PARSE template that will stump you.
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Speaker Info
Chip Davis learned to program on an IBM 1620 in 1963. For most of his
career he was a systems programmer on IBM hardware, but has spent the last 15
ears teaching OS/2 and VM internals, as well as Rexx and Assembler programming.
He was one of the authors of the ANSI Standard for Rexx and currently is the Rexx
Project Manager for SHARE and President of the Rexx Language Association.
Whenever possible, Chip flies his own plane to class locations.