Warpstock 2005 - Hershey, Pennsylvania, October 6 - 9 2005

Warpstock 2005
Warpstock Investor
Call for Bids Warpstock 2006

Warpstock 2005 has now successfully passed into history. NOW is the time to look into the future toward Warpstock 2006, the tenth annual Warpstock.

The Board of Directors of Warpstock, Inc. is now accepting bids from groups wishing to host Warpstock 2006. The challenge for the Warpstock Board is to be able to announce the location of Warpstock 2006 in the not too distant future.

Teams wishing to bid on hosting Warpstock 2006 should submit an e-mail letter of their **intent** to host this event to the Board of Directors at bids@warpstock.org as soon as possible, but not later than December 1, 2005. This letter of intent does not have to include all of the details of Warpstock 2006, but needs to indicate the location for the event, the suggested dates, format, and a commitment from the local group to put forth the effort needed to stage the event.

The initial Event Team needs only a couple of members to start the process and can add additional members as necessary as it gets closer to the event date.

The Board has provided the "Bid Proposal Process" to assist all interested parties. The Bid Proposal Process is available immediately at:


Members of the Board of Directors, who are all members of past Event Teams, will be available to assist the Teams throughout the entire bid process, including final site selection.

Now is the time to start!

Let's make Warpstock 2006 will be the best Warpstock yet!

Hosted by Coloron & VOICE
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