Warpstock 2004 will be held in Denver, Colorado, October 21-24. The event is
shaping up to be one fo the best ever, with a rich array of classes, workshops,
seminars and presentations for anyone interested in OS/2-eCS.
You can reach this audience of Warpstock attendees with an ad in the event guide.
Prices for ads are as follows:
Registered Exhibitors:
Half page B&W | FREE |
full page B&W | $75 |
Full back or inside front page, Color | $200 |
Full page B&W | FREE |
Full back or inside front page, Color | $100 |
For non-exhibiting companies:
Half page B&W | $75 |
Full page B&W | $150 |
Full back page or inside front, Color | $300 |
For more information on Warpstock, go to:
Warpstock 2004
Publicity Coordinator
Bill Armstrong