PARSE is arguably the most powerful keyword instruction in Rexx (aside from INTERPRET,
of course). The PARSE template allows you to process strings by words, columns,
search strings, or any combination of them all. Such power usually comes at a price;
many Rexx programmers are intimidated or confused by the more complex templates.
This presentation will use many examples to step through increasingly complex templates,
demonstrating the simple yet elegant structure beneath. By the end of the hour,
there won't be a PARSE template that will stump you.
Saturday, October 18, 2003
03:00 PM
Chip Davis learned to program on an IBM 1620 in 1963. For most of his career he
was a systems programmer on IBM hardware, but has spent the last 15 years teaching
OS/2 and VM internals, as well as Rexx and Assembler programming. He was one of
the authors of the ANSI Standard for Rexx and currently is the Rexx Project Manager
for SHARE and President of the Rexx Language Association. Whenever possible, Chip
flies his own plane to class locations.
What is XML and why is it so important?
Methods on handling XML
Why XPath is the key to information
Using Templates to transform information
This presentation tries to show what xml is, why and when one should
use it. It will show, why XML is one of the best things invented after OS/2 ;->,
why and how to access it with xpath and - if time is left - how one can use templates
to reorganize or present information.
Parts of the knowledge from this presentation is required to understand
the XUL presentation.
Sunday, October 19, 2003
10:30 AM
Arne Blankerts is head of development and co-owner of a German advertising agency
in Hamburg, called "tow] Werbeagentur". He's a freelance author for the
german php-Magazin ( www.php-mag.de ) and actively supports php, qmail and more
on IRC. Being in the US, he will also be offical representative for netlabs.org
whose internet-connection he's proud to be responsible of for quite some time now.
Arne has been using OS/2 since version 2.10 (he installed it from a truckload of
floppy-discs..) up to eCS 1.0...
Ever wanted to enhance your own website to be more dynamic? Now you can: learn what
php is and how it can be of use for your very own project. We will build a simple
yet powerfull and secure web form handler using basic php commands. Some knowledge
of HTML is assumed.
Saturday, October 18, 2003
11:30 AM
Arne Blankerts is head of development and co-owner of a German advertising agency
in Hamburg, called "tow] Werbeagentur". He's a freelance author for the
german php-Magazin ( www.php-mag.de ) and actively supports php, qmail and more
on IRC. Being in the US, he will also be offical representative for netlabs.org
whose internet-connection he's proud to be responsible of for quite some time now.
Arne has been using OS/2 since version 2.10 (he installed it from a truckload of
floppy-discs..) up to eCS 1.0...
You did hack some php stuff in your sparetime and started to like it? Now you feel
ready for the big projects? Ok, this is the presentation for you: You'll learn why
you might want to go the Object Oriented way on developing your website. You'll
see that using the GUI-Technique "MVC" can be of use for you even on the
This a rather theoretic presentation with hardly any real code. It's
meant to give you an idea on how "professional development" might be done
and how one can benefit from code-reuse and abstraction layers.
Basic knowledge of PHP or other languages appreciated ;).
Saturday, October 18, 2003
01:30 PM
Arne Blankerts is head of development and co-owner of a German advertising agency
in Hamburg, called "tow] Werbeagentur". He's a freelance author for the
german php-Magazin ( www.php-mag.de ) and actively supports php, qmail and more
on IRC. Being in the US, he will also be offical representative for netlabs.org
whose internet-connection he's proud to be responsible of for quite some time now.
Arne has been using OS/2 since version 2.10 (he installed it from a truckload of
floppy-discs..) up to eCS 1.0...
Sunday, October 19, 2003
02:00 PM
Arne Blankerts is head of development and co-owner of a German advertising agency
in Hamburg, called "tow] Werbeagentur". He's a freelance author for the
german php-Magazin ( www.php-mag.de ) and actively supports php, qmail and more
on IRC. Being in the US, he will also be offical representative for netlabs.org
whose internet-connection he's proud to be responsible of for quite some time now.
Arne has been using OS/2 since version 2.10 (he installed it from a truckload of
floppy-discs..) up to eCS 1.0...
Perl and OS/2: past and future. Open source and large projects. Backward compatibility:
plague or blessing?
Saturday, October 18, 2003
04:30 PM
After finishing the university and getting his Ph.D. in mathematics in Moscow, Dr.
Ilya Zakharevich worked in Harvard, MIT and Ohio State University. He now works
as an independent researcher.
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