Warpstock News Announcement

Warpstock News
News Announcements


Sessions @ Warpstock

If you haven't made your mind up yet about attending Warpstock this year, here's a summary of the sessions we have scheduled, SO FAR. As you can see, there are more programming sessions than you can shake a stick at! They include several cutting-edge sessions that will enlighten us on everything from PHP development to the "X" technologies, and even XUL, the heart of the Mozilla GUI Toolkit. Also, we have Chip Davis, of RexxLA (Language Association) fame, exposing PARSE for us, and Dr. Ilya Zakharevich, who ported the Perl language compiler to OS/2!

More details will be forthcoming between now and Warpstock 2003 but, in the mean time, here are our categories and the list!

GEN=General, NET=Networking, PRG=Programming, OPS=Open Source, DEM=Product Demonstration
GEN IBM Updates Oliver Mark
GEN IBM's eClient Strategy Oliver Mark
GEN What's new with eCS Serenity Systems
GEN New eCS-OS/2 Private Help Desk Bruce Shroeder
GEN Warp Doctor - the site Doug Clark
GEN eComStation Maintenance Chuck McKinnis
NET Firewall/Security Factors w/Linux Bruce Shroeder
NET Novell and OS/2 Integration Lewis G. Rosenthal
NET Wireless Networking and OS/2 Lewis G. Rosenthal
PRG XML/XPATH/XSL Basics Arne Blankerts
PRG PHP Basics Arne Blankerts
PRG Advanced PHP (MVC, OOP) Arne Blankerts
PRG XUL : The Mozilla GUI Toolkit Arne Blankerts
PRG REXX PARSE Exposed Chip Davis
OPS The Open Source Advocacy Front Robin Miller
OPS Open Source OS/2 Development Lynn Maxson
DEM Communigate Pro (Stalker Software) Philip Slater
DEM DFSee - How To ... Jan van Wijk
DEM Innotek Products Oliver Stein
DEM Innotek Development Kits Oliver Stein
DEM WarpIN - the Free Installer Doug Clark

If you'd like to delve a little further into any of our sessions, just browse on over the Presentations section. You can also register for Warpstock 2003 and make your hotel room reservations from that site (see Location).

Warpstock, Inc., is a North Carolina corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy. More information is available at the Warpstock web site : http://www.warpstock.org

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