Dates: October 25-26, 1997
Location: AQMD Headquarters
The Warpstock 97 CD's are available from BMT Micro.
All registered attendees will automatically receive a CD and do not need to order one.
Warpstock 97 was a great success! Close to 400 people attended,
exceeding estimated attendance. Below are some reviews and comments about the event.
As for Warpstock 98, it is still in very preliminary planning stages.
Warpstock Wrap-Up |
Other |
Pictures : The vendors, the attendees, fun!
Warpstock Overview |
This page is the home page for an event that is being planned for the OS/2 community at large. The event is planned to
provide a showcase for products and the technical exchange of information regarding OS/2.
Warpstock (whose name is derived from Woodstock) will be a community event for the OS/2 users, developers and other
support folks out there. Its our chance to get together to support our excellent Operating System.
For more information about Warpstock please contact Paul Hethmon or
Judy McDermott.
Notification of Updates |
Space for this website has been provided by Falcon Networking, home of the
OS/2 SuperSite.
email the webmaster for comments and suggestions
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