copyright (c) 2003 Curtis Systems Software P.C. All rights reserved
 WarpStock San Francisco 2003    

 Presentor: Paul Curtis, developer/consultant
 website  :
 email    :
CSSDIR Topic Points for discussion CSSDIR Overview:


   The dash '-' global option versus the slash '/' overriding specific option.

   1.) getting cssdir help 
   2.) non  OverRideAble options
   3.) DORA options, options that can be overridden within context of -Dir: option
   4.) LORA options, options that can be overridden within context of -List: option
   5.) environment vars and misc.

   1.) ******* getting help *****
   -hx                display eXtended help
   -h                 display help
   -?x                alternative way to display eXtended help
   -?                 alternative way to display help

   2.) **** non OverRideAble options (1 setting per CSSDIR invocation) ****       
   -b       [0]       similiar to dos /b
   -Bf      [0]       Bare -Ff fld                                            
   -Dumpo:  [N]       dump options settings Y=yes N=no A=all                  
   -Ecrc:   [N]       compute Ea crc  Y,N                                     
   -f       [0]       similiar to dos /f
   -Fcrc:   [N]       compute file crc Y,N                                    
   -Foo:    [0]       foundOutputOption  1=found and totfound 2=totfound only 
   -Lifs:   [L]       List/Abort if invalid filespec/dirspec(s)  A,L,Y        
   -Lnf:    [L]       List/Abort if no (qualified) files found   A,L,Y,0      
   -Lnu:    [L]       List/abort non unique file names found     A,L,Y,0      
   -Mf:     [-X-R-2]  Miscellaneous Flags   -Mf:[BCZYXR2-]'-Mf:'= -Mf:BCZYXR2 
   -Nr:     [0]       noReadAccess:1=prelist 2=exc 3=2 silent 4=inc 5=4 silent
   -Of:     [stdout:] outfile [/NEW | /OVERWRITE | /APPEND]                   
   -Pt      [0]       ProcessTime    rec                                      
   -Py:     [*]       priority *=noChange 0=lo 40=hi 0-31 idle 32-40RegClass  
   -Sch:    []        searchString /Cstr /Istr both=+ either=$                
   -Scho:   [1]       SearchString hits 1=line summary 2=1 + details          
   -Soo:    [1]       SearchOutputOption 1=showNondefault 2=showMult 3=always 
   -Srcrc:  [all]     file Size Range to compute CRCs                         
   -Tdir:   []        Temp directory; Used with -Ecrc:y                       
   -Ve:     [0]       verbose level 0=off 1=basic ....                        
   -Vn:     [1]       display version 0=off 1=basic 2=all                     
   -X:      []        eXclude files with Suffixes                             
   -Xcrc:   []        eXclude files with Suffixes for computing CRCs          
   3.)-Dir and related options:
   option   default   description
   ------   -------   -----------
   -Dir:    [.]       directories
   -a       [:-H-S]   attr: -a -a[:][ADSHR-*]
   -Dr:     [all]     date ranges: -n,all,curNweek,curNmonth where N = 1 to 13
   -s       [CUR]     subdir CUR,ALL,NO
   -Sr:     [all]     file Size Range: all, $=no high limit i.e. -Sr:1000,$
   -Wc:     []        wildcards
   -Zr:     [all]     Ea   Size Range: all, $=no high limit i.e. -Zr:1,$

   -Dir:@list          read dirspecs from file 'list'

   4.)output and -List: related options 
   option   default   description
   ------   -------   -----------
   -Ae      [0]       Attribute        fld 1=----; 2=----- (includes Dir)     
   -De      [1]       Date             fld 1=mm-dd-yy; 2=yyyy-mm-dd 3=ddMmmyy 
   -Df      [0]       dir flag         fld 0= no trailing \ 1=trailing \      
   -Ec      [0]       EaCrc            fld                                    
   -Es      [1]       EaSize           fld                                    
   -Ey      [0]       Entry            fld                                    
   -Fc      [0]       FileCrc          fld                                    
   -Ff      [1]       FullFileSpec     fld 1=r 2=rs 3=f 4=rsh 5=3s 6=sR 7=6h  
   -Fn      [0]       FileName         fld 1=name.ext 2=name.ext formatted    
   -Fs      [1]       FileSize         fld 1=with <DIR>; 2=all numeric 
   -Rn      [0]       RefNum           fld                                    
   -Te      [1]       Time             fld 1=hh:mm*  ; 2=hh:mm:ss  ;          
   -Uq      [0]       Unique file      fld 1= list b4 -Rn 2=list b4 -De       
   other options IN DETAIL:

   option   default   description
   ------   -------   -----------
   -o       [:GN]     Order:-o[:][NEDSGFZPRW-] *SUMMARY *ASFOUND *DUPS-ASC ...
   -Uf:     [*OFF]    UniqFile -Uf:[KDSCZBA-] '-Uf:' = -Uf:KDSCZBA
   -Ufao:   []        UniqFile attrib -Ufao:[ADSHR-] '-Ufao:' = -Ufao:ADSHR

   -o       [:GN]     LORA* Order: -o -o[:][NEDSGFZPRW-]                        
                        N sort by filename (includes extension)            
                        E sort by extension                                
                        D sort by date and time                            
                        S sort by file size                                
                        G group directories first                          
                        F sort by full filespec including drive Letter     
                        Z sort by eaSize                                   
                        P sort by pathname (less drive or share name)      
                        R sort by relative path name                       
                        W sort by short hand code (useful with -Uf:)       
                        - reverse sense of sort                            
                        for example -S will list larger to smaller         
                        also: *SUMMARY  *ASFOUND *DUPS-ASC *DUPS-DES

   -Uf:     [*OFF]    LORA* Unique file settings -Uf:[KDSCZBA-]                 
                        '-Uf:' is alias for -Uf:KDSCZBA                   
                        K compare relpath named files CaseSensitiveName    
                        D compare relpath named files date                 
                        S compare relpath named files size                 
                        C compare relpath named files crc                  
                        Z compare relpath named files easize               
                        B compare relpath named files eacrc                
                        A compare relpath named files attrib               
                        - ignore specified following field                 
                        use -Uf:-D-S-C-Z-B-A for unique filenames only     
                        add -K to also exclude filename case only          
                        differences. Use *OFF to shut off;                 
                        Also see -Ufao: when using A above

   -Ufao:   []        LORA* Unique file attrib option -Ufao:[ADSHR-]            
                          used in conjunction with -Uf:A[DSHR-]              
                           '-Ufao:' is default and alias for -Ufao:ADSHR      
                           A consider Archive   bit                           
                           D consider Directory bit                           
                           S consider System    bit                           
                           H consider Hidden    bit                           
                           R consider Readonly  bit                           
                           - ignore following bit field
   5.) **** Environment variables of interest: ****
       cssdirTmp    ;used for scratch space for option -Ecrc:y if -Tdir: isn't set
       cssdirDefArgs;used for your default options preferences
       cssdirIni    ;used for your powerful symbolic constants

       **** Layout of horizontal fields (if appropriate options are active) ****
       -Ey -Uq2 -De -Te -Fs -Fc -Es -Ec -Ae -Uq1 -Rn -Fn -Ff

   cssdir c:\ -s -Sr:100000,$

   cssdir -Zr:1,$

   cssdir -Sr:1000000,$

   cssdir c:\ -s -Zr:1,$

   cssdir c:\ -Dr:. -s -a -os

   cssdir c:\;d:\;e:\ -Wc:*.c;*.h;*.cpp -s -Sch:"/Cmain("

   cssdir c:\;d:\;e:\ -Wc:*.c;*.h;*.cpp -s -Sch:"/Cmain(" -Scho:0 -Bf3

   cssdir c:\ -s -o:dups-des -Fcrc:y -Ecrc:y -Tdir:c:\tmp -Fc -Ec -Ey

   cssdir -Dr:curweek

   cssdir -Dr:curmonth

   cssdir -Dr:2001

   cssdir . f:\ -Fcrc:y -Fc;.rar

   cssdir -Sr:2000000,$ f:\ -Wc:*.zip;*.rar;*.gz -s -os

   cssdir c:\basetree1 g:\basetree1 -s -a -Uf: -Uq

   cssdir @dirspecs -Fcrc:y -Fc -Ey

   cssdir -Zr:1,$ c:\ -s -o-s

   cssdir /$findEaFiles

   cssdir -Dir:f:\clientCode/s/Wc:*.c~;*.cpp~;*.h -Sch:strcmp

   cssdir /$ClientCode -Sch:strcmp

   cssdir -List:/o:s;/o:d

   cssdir -List:/o:s;/0/o:d/Ff3/Ll/Fs/De/Te2

   cssdir @list -os

[F:\os2]cssdir f:\os2\tr* -Fcrc:y -Fc -Ec -Ecrc:y -Ll -Ff3                    
*** cssdir ver 1.01 Pro Copyright (c) 2003 Curtis Systems Software P.C. ***   
searching for entries in <"F:\os2\tr*">                                       
  Date    Time      FileSize  FileCrc     EaSize   EaCrc  file specification  
11-15-00  7:39p        56064 F70FA9E4         49 232FC863 F:\os2\trace.exe    
11-15-00  3:45p       232067 1E83ABF0       5583 7E27878F F:\os2\tracefmt.exe 
10-06-00  9:10p        29930 3E3C76D6          0        0 F:\os2\traceget.exe 
 9-05-00  4:55p         4026 4B33DC92          0        0 F:\os2\TRADEMK.ICO  
11-15-00  7:35p        34185 32148B7D          0        0 F:\os2\TREE.COM     
10-06-00  9:01p         2448 557DBCA2          0        0 F:\os2\trfgrn.ico   
10-06-00  9:01p         2448 0BD1F271          0        0 F:\os2\trfred.ico   
10-06-00  9:10p        42054 5478CC55         49 232FC863 F:\os2\trspool.exe  
*              NumEntries:               8                                    
*            SumFileSizes:          403222 bytes                              
*      free space drive F:      1029718528 bytes; 49.1% Free; 'ECOMSTATION  ' 

Registered Shareware versus PROfessional license: 

 * a new much faster version will be available 4th quarter, 2003
 * attendees of DEMO will receive a 30% discount on CSSDIR for a limited time.

 copyright (c) 2003 Curtis Systems Software P.C. All rights reserved